3 ways you know a relationship is over

Ronnie the realist
4 min readMar 24, 2022

We all know that one person,either romantically or platonically, that you need to let go.

If we are honest, We all have folks that we know we should cut the cord immediately from. If you don’t know a person, YOU are the person. Folks change and what a lot of us don’t want to realize is that it can be for the worse. How many times has a person become unrecognizable in your life?

Lets sit on that for a second.

We all have high school buddies that we KNOW we need to cut off. We can only talk about the good old days for so long. I mean, really!! It gets tough to actually cut them off though. Believe me, I have been there. I have kept folks in my life that did zero for my future. And, They always reminded me of my past.

I’m going to talk about 3 ways you know the relationship is over or should be over.

  1. You argue over everything

Remember when you two first met, You two agreed upon everything. You two could talk about anything and everything was fine and dandy. Now, It seems like you two can’t agree on anything. You two can’t even agree on the sky being blue.

I had a “friend” that used to say the weirdest comments about everything. Upon the first year of knowing him as a friend, I overlooked his extremely facetious remarks. ATo give you an example, He laughed when I told him that my catalytic converter was stolen. I kept asking him what was funny and he couldn’t answer me.



Ronnie the realist

I am a progressive realist. I love the old school and the new school interchangeablely.